Living Deliberately

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Henry David Thoreau, Walden, 1854

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Perfect Saturday

A breeze, cool air, and bright sunshine, not a drop of humidity in the air. The heavy haze of yesterday blown out to sea, replaced by air and light and temperatures that are in perfect balance with body temperature and skin sensation. One could live a thousand days like today and never complain. The green of the trees and grass and flowers has a lovely blue hue to it, reflecting the sky above. Cool dry days carry more blue, hot humid days like yesterday are more yellow and orange. There is still no rain, nor any forecast, but the existing dampness in the Earth and in the leaves does not seem threatened as yesterday. Plants do not look burdened or leaning toward cell collapse and wilting. Instead, everything appears crisp, full of life, purged of the bad odors and heavy pall of mechanized human society with just the steady gust of Canadian wind.

But appearances are only one level of reality, a fact exploited by the authoritarian regime housed in Washington today. Beneath the apparent purity, we know too many toxins flow. Children and babies are carrying a broad range of chemicals and heavy metals in their tissue, residue from the ongoing misguided battle to subdue everything truly natural. Where ancient wisdom told a people they were out of balance with natural cycles and they learned and adjusted, this so-called modern civilization hears only potential defeat and so fights harder at its conquest. Are random plants filling places in a perfect lawn? Spray them with death-o-cide. Do insects feast on your mono-crops? Kill them, kill them, kill them. So much knowledge and wisdom of the Earth lost in this all-consuming culture of hate and greed and sanctioned lunacy. It is no wonder we send our young men and women out to do more killing; it is all we know anymore. No ears to hear, no eyes to see, no mind to change, simple plodding foolishness. Nothing more.

And still the breeze blows and the cool air comforts and I continue to write because I continue to hope. May truth re-surface through these murky waters of modern times and save us from our present fate.


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