This flower, scorn of everyone with hay fever, flowers late in the season. There is a small patch across the right of way from where this one originated. A new cycle of flowering is upon the landscape. Golden rods, other succulent purple-berried plants, asters, other plants that have waited a better part of the season, even the sunflowers at three of the four corners of the house lot are just about to flower. The summer runs with rhythms more like moons than the steady machine or the weekly cycles; there is much to do all summer long, mind you, but not everything at once. There will be a mad rush in another month and a half to gather everything left to harvest before the seasons take it back again. We will all be rushing then, piecing together the daily routine and tasks, trudging along. And then it will be Halloween and then Thanksgiving, Christmas, and another New Year.
It is exhausting to think about. We will slow down today and watch the weeds flower and grow. Stay away from the news for a while and see how things change. Slow Saturday.
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