
In one of our many bastardizations of metaphor, a lowly, sneeky, back-biting individual is called a worm. I have heard this word used to describe our president. But worms deserve better respect than that. "They like to rape babies," a medicine man once said of the first family extended. "Everyone in Texas knows that." To this day, I do not know if the charge was meant literally or metaphorically, but I do know these worms would not cause the wreckage being caused by this Bush. I know that the political moment of Katrina and New Orleans has passed and no-bid contracts and no worker protection requirements and an opening of the field to profit-makers has taken place on the ground. Republicans are using the potential dialogue about race and poverty to further eviscerate government aid. Shameless. I know that a paper writing process in Iraq somehow trying to replicate our own 18th-century state-making moment (presided over by slaveholders, remember), a process that forgets how steeped in the naive idealism of Enlightenment-era political science the proceedings in Philapdelphia were, has descended into a laughable political process and a bloody tragedy in the streets. Our imperialism has replaced tyranny with tyranny, causing continued killings and heinous deaths where too much killing and death have become part and parcel, like a trip to the market for most of us. Shameful. Perhaps, when looked at from the right angle, 'worm' could work. He has burrowed deep into the subsoils of our most cherished vows and convinctions and lined his hole with mucus, one big muscle surrounding a digestive tract, no sight, smell, and only simple spontaneous reactions to external stimlulation. If only robins came large enough.
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