What a joy, this life. The snow fell with a fury for twenty-four hours. It layered everything, gently, lovingly. The post-modernists would say this sense of love is nothing but my own creation, my own projection out onto the world, a set of values generated only in me. Out there, they say, no love. No meaning at all. Well...perhaps in your corners, I retort. But I see this snow, I watched it fall. It evoked something that was not clear to me without it. With it, I think I have found clarity, I find some tangibility to the thought and emotion that previously had no form. Nature makes the metaphor for our thoughts, at the very least, does it not? This snow here, the shadows, they represent as well as just exist; if you turn your head sideways, you can see the dragonfly made by the oak sapling; you can squint and see the blues of life giving water and shadows of form that could be mountains not just crystals of snow. There are things to notice - more than we ever see in fact. And the associations with this image here trickle out into the world of metaphysics. It forces you to question the basis of your truth, of what you think you know. Think on this: If what I see associates to me, then am I truly that? Does that refer to me? My ego says it must, but what, in fact, if it doesn't and I just
think it does? What then? Can I ever
really know? We face the ever changing realities of time unfolding, and we desperately try to stick elements of higher consistency onto the flux. Certitude is contingent. Process is everything. Care is tantamount. Joy is a must. What a joy this life, what a loving landscape.
This truth is lost, of course, on the ideologues and power mongerers (and others with even less to contribute). They got there, somehow, suckered the masses. Smoke and mirrors. But even that is fading now. One year, two years, three, four, the same lies spread thinner and thinner and thinner, the outcasts growing in number. Just as the gentle snow of winter is blown into spring torrents, the careful love of genuine humanity always trumps grasping narcissism. David slew Goliath, don't forget. Without peace, time is not your friend.
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