It is a rainy and stormy day in metro-west Massachusetts. From light fluffy winter-looking clouds this morning to a thick blanket of water-drenched monsters this afternoon. Remnants, no doubt, of Rita. As this storm blows out to sea another one is upstaged in Washington. Architect of the Texas Republican revolution, Tom DeLay has been indicted for election-related crimes in Texas. He has had to step down as Majority Leader in the House of Representatives. This incredible story was pushed off the front page almost before it got there by a vote on John Roberts to become the next Supreme Court Justice and his immediate swearing in ceremony. Both stories drowned out the 62 killed by car bombs in Iraq today. And the hundreds of thousands still homeless from the past month of storms. It is almost too much to glean all at once and certainly today's one-story buzz-line media cannot do any of it justice. The cusp of an epoch has been passed and yet we keep building webs where the latch will surely tear them up again.