Quercus coccinea

And it is refreshing against the memories I still cannot expel completely. H.E., for example, innoccuous enough, or so you would think. First a smokescreen: Standing in the doorway to my room, telling about things removed from his real work, such as it was. "I do not know who is writing such bad things about good people," he said, "but I think they think it is me." I knew nothing of the things he told me, and wondered why he protested so much. Then later he stood in my doorway and told me he had lied about the first thing. As if I had brought it up. As if I some how deserved to be implicated in his whole kindergarten scheme. You see, it was not that he had written bad things about good people. Who cares, right? It was the intentional charade he drew me into to make it seem like it was something else well before the proverbial what not hit the proverbial thingy. As if I were there to be manipulated in his bad manners. With the exposure of the lie, the whole house of cards tumbled down. This was not some one who valued other people's minds or work or concerns. This was not someone who took the real stuff of life very seriously. There were no principles in this person's motives, no desire to engage the world and leave it better than they had found it. No. There was just malice and jealousy and manipulation. And you may be saying to yourself, well, so what? Lots of people are like that. And they are.
"Our age is retrospective," Emerson wrote. The Scarlet Oak remembers.
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