This lady's thumb (
Polygonum persicaria) is a member of the barley family, so is rhubard. Lady's thumb was brought to North America from Europe and has become a "naturalized" weed in most of North America south of the Arctic Circle. If you live on this continent, you probably have lady's thumb in your yard, or nearby. Its name comes from the triangular splotch in the center of its lance-like leaves, which looks like a smallish thumbprint, a lady's thumbprint. Its flowers are a light pinkish purple and it is an attractive plant to look at. This one has survived multiple lawn mowings and has flourished into a sturdy upright flowering mature adult. It will go to seed and leave its offspring behind to visit me in future years. I look forward to these meetings. The Latin name for the barley family,
Polygonum, means many knees. Every leaf joint on the lady's thumb is bulbous like a knee. Its many names are self-referential. Refreshingly so.
The same cannot be said of our public language today. In this discourse we speak to conceal, we talk to assuage, we chatter to flatter, but we rarely talk truth. No one will say, out loud, for the record, I don't know, or, I am uncertain, or, that hurt me. We are steeled to the real sentiments of life. We are then shocked when the consequences of our indifference float out from flooded cities of our imagination. The things we do come back to us, whether they come to haunt or to comfort depends upon the care we use in our deeds in the first place. I will look for my
polygonum next spring.
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